Scrumptious Lemon Cream Cheese Bars, and Yada Yada!

 What it's suppposed to look like, but mine never looks like the pictures. I decided I wanted a confectioners glaze on mine with more lemon taste coming through--this is Pinterest's Lemon Creme Cheese bars

And this is mine.for the base and the top-- You use the canned crescent rolls and make the creamy layer to top it with out of 4 oz. cream cheese, 2 T. softened butter and lemon juice to get the fairly thick consistency as you whip those togther.
I had to scrunch my cresent roll base a bit and did not want to use cinnamon with mine. We couldn't stop eating it, it was really great! 
Just out of the oven--350 degrees for 35 mins.
Ta Da!!
This was the highlight of my day. Not that I lead a boring life! This morning I finally heard that the last CT scan results were good. So we were happy to start our day with that news! Left there and went to 'my' thrift store and found a dress that is XL and I can't get it over my shoulders! I never try on clothes. period. So much for wearing dresses again. I think I will see if I can find MooMoos. Anyone remember those? Sooooo comfy!! I remember when the shift became popular too. Oh and in high school in Texas, pantaloons under our skirts were also 'in style.' I always thougt they were feminine. We girls all wore Girdles too. They were horribly hot and especially if we had to hook a pair of nylons onto them. My Mom said ladies all wore a proper girdle. It was really exciting when that went out with the shifts that needed a girdle when you were like me with a pot belly needing control. 
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